Latest Visit to Thailand
Updated 4th May, 2011
We spent nearly a week in Thailand at the end of November, 2010. This gallery is a mixed bag of that visit.
I'll eventually split it up into the other galleries.

Eating Out in Thailand
Updated 26th June, 2008
Partly because of the climate and partly because of the type of food consumed, the Thai people tend to eat outdoors. Wherever you go, you will find different kinds of traditional food being prepared. They tell me that it is chaper to eat out than to prepare food in the house. Judging by the number of people frequenting these outlets it is probably true.

Worship in Thailand
Updated 18th May, 2008
Most Thai people are Buddhists. I visited many temples and places of worship in many locations throughout the country. The land is covered by temples, each with many statues of Buddha, in different poses, each reminding the practitioner of different teaching of the Buddha.

Faces in Thailand
Updated 26th June, 2008
The photographs in this gallery are the faces of Thai people.
There are many other Thai portraits in the above galleries showing people "Eating Out" and at Worship. The photographs in this gallery show local people engaged in other activities.
Many of the people portrayed here are from the very colourful tribes living the north of Thailand. These families migrated from China about 100 years ago and continue maintaining their very distinct customs and dress.