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My ravings on a Weblog
What is the purpose of this Writings (or another WeBLOG for that matter)?
I aim to provide useful information in a humorous, witty style. Each blog on the Internet specialises in the interests and skills of the blogger. My main interest, both in business terms and in what I like
to do, is Photography and websites for business and recreational uses. I am fortunate to be in the position that my "vocation is also my avocation" (quoted to me by Rabbi Steve Riskin, Reb Shlomo to his students, as he heard from his saintly teacher and mentor, Rabbi Soloveitchik). Interestingly I recently heard Rolf Harris (Wobble board, "Tie me Kangeroo Down, Sport") say that the secret to his success was tied directly to his doing what he likes, his hobby being his work.
I hope to write a new entry every day or two, so keep a look out, and may even modify some of my old material too as time goes on. I also intend to include guest bloggers and blogs in other languages like Russian and Hungarian (and more). I will also include your mailings in order to encourage discussion and disputation (life was meant to be interesting).
But I don't intend to only write about photography and the Internet. Material may appear on any topic under the Sun. My Ukrainian (yes in my blogs you will meet interesting and colourful people from all around the world, and sometimes from out into our solar system -- look out for green and purple creatures) friend, Big Al, my most avid reader, suggested I write about people in my inner circle and then work outwards. Everyone about whom I write is a fictional character. I know many resemble living people or politicians, some of whom you may think you meet everyday, but my work is pure fiction, a figment of my very vivid imagination and an invention of my colorful mind. For some people the boundary between fabrication and reality is blurred and difficult to define, but I am very focused with a crystal clear mental image of the world that surrounds me and the universe that engulfs me as opposed to the imagined.
Of course photographs of and writing about people make the most interesting topics. In photography very beautiful people on the one hand and ugly or strange and different-looking humans on the other, make the most interesting subjects. I think in writing, the most colourful characters are not necessarily the ones with the perfect personality (whatever that is) so I may write about blemished individuals more than goodie-goodies.
So here we go, warts and all* . . . .
There's an old biography of me, Menachem Kuchar,
on one of my old sites.
You can have a look at it. My avatar is also there. It was modified especially for me by my very talented graphic artist, Chaya Sarah Nokonechny. I put the avatar up here too. Does it resemble me? my attitude to life? I guess I really should let you know more about myself. After a bunch of rantings, ravings and blog entries on this site, I guess you soon will. Is that an advantage or disadvantage of blogging?
I can tell you that I don't juggle (I liked the idea of being a juggler, but it didn't pan) nor am I a magician (but my son is a magic whizz). I can handle a clarinet and also a piano too, but don't ask me to sing, well not a song in (recognizable) tune. I nearly studied dentistry at university but just as well I didn't because I don't want to be a dentist (and play golf every Wednesday). I also don't believe in Multi-level Marketing (MLM) as a way to get rich, quick or otherwise, scheme.
I completed a degree in Computer Science and a masters (M.Eng.Sci) in Operations Research so I am educated.
I play the clarinet and the goanna (piano in Strine,
the "language" purportedly spoken in Australian and probably to a greater extent, by Aussie expats like yours truly), and I like to play and listen to jazz. I just had my piano overhauled -- cost me a pretty penny, but it's 22 years old, so that's not too much per day.
And I've been using Canon cameras for over thirty years -- it was a chance shidduch, match by the Divine Matchmaker, but all kosher, but we've run the distance. I started with a Canon EF and a single 50mm f1.8 lens. I've had a few film and digital Canons since then. I now only have Canon lenses as well, though I used to only use third party stuff, mainly Vivitar and Sigma. I print with Epson printers on Epson matte papers and recently discovered Kodak's new metallic paper -- the most amazing paper I've ever used.
Here's a list of my rantings thus far -- but please stay tuned. I don't really like dating these, but in order to give some idea of timeline, I put in a date every now and again. I feel that time is fluid and my postings are immemorial.
- Monday, 18th May And this was the start of my Blogging Career -- the entry point
Want to tell me something -- Write to me or have a look at my photograph galleries (each gallery from a different part of the world and representing a different theme -
worship in Thailand, Eating Out in Bangkok, Sydney Harbour and Beaches, Hong Kong, New York and non location themes: the World in Reflection and Actualities in Black & Orange). I've also produced two benchers, birchonim: Gush Katif and
Hevron (Hebron).
* warts and all
This expression supposedly alludes to Oliver Cromwell's (early 16th century) comment to portrait painter, Sir Peter Lely, "all these roughnesses, pimples, warts, and everything as you see me, otherwise I will never pay a farthing for it."