In additional to photographing, I have been doing a lot writing over the last few years:
photography, childhood, roots -- and basically anything/everything
that comes to my attention or bothers me. Also feel free to read any of these starting at
My latest writing has culminated in a large format 160 page book, The Abayudaya: Judaism Emerging A Spiritual Journey Into Africa,
my first foray into publishing with both a strong textual and also graphic narrative, the two things at which I excel.
Towards the end of 2014, I made a significant change to the way I work photographically, embracing the philosophy of Ansel Adams's previsualisation. I believe my work has changed significantly. I am modifying this home page to seperate my recent work from the older work. That's not to say that my earlier work is not good. It's great too! but different.

India & Nepal NEW!
18th July 2016

By the Dead Sea NEW!
Updated 18th July, 2016

Jerusalem Exhibition
Sept/Oct 2015

Updated 17th February, 2014

Updated 26th March, 2014

On the Edge
Updated 14th March, 2012

China including Hong Kong
Updated 24th May, 2013

Hevron (Hebron)
Updated 7th December, 2010

Yerushalayim (Jerusalem) Temple Mount, Kotel, City
Updated 8th February, 2011

Tel Aviv Beach
Updated 16th Jan, 2008

Safed / Ssfath / Tzfat
Updated 1st October, 2010

Updated 4th May, 2011

Sydney's Coast
Updated 17th April, 2012

Views of Adelaide
Updated 21st February, 2011

Updated 26th June, 2008

Updated 2nd February, 2014

Updated 5th June, 2007

Updated 5th June, 2007

Samaritans Passover,Sukkoth, Shavuoth & Mezuza
Updated 1st August, 2014

My Home Town
Updated 22nd May, 2008

In Concert
Updated 26th March, 2014

Wild Flowers
Givat haTurmussim
Updated 6th March, 2005

Updated 19th March, 2007

East Africa
Updated 8th May, 2013

South Africa
Updated 9th June, 2011

Updated 1st January, 2008

Capsicums -- Bell Peppers
Updated 17th April, 2012

New York City et al
Updated 13th March, 2012

Actualities in Black & Orange
Updated 1st May, 2007

A Bus Stop
Updated 21st August, 2007

Israeli Flags
Updated 1st July, 2008

Updated 17th April, 2013

Updated 9th November, 2013
View Land of Israel Galleries
Please feel free to write to me.
You can read how my photographs have affected other people
via this website
and in the Gush Etzion exhibition Visitors' Book.
You can acquire original, signed prints
from this site.
Published Books
The Abayudaya: Judaism Emerging
A Spiritual Journey into Africa
Menachem's second photographic book, published in May, 2017, narrates the experiences of the
Abayudaya, a group in east Uganda who, one hundred years ago, accepted Judaism upon themselves
without being aware that there was such a thing anywhere in the world.
In photographs, captions and generous descriptive text, I narrate their long journey to
achieving acceptance and conversion as Orthodox Jews.
Published in Yerushalayim by the Hadar Rimon Gallery, 2017, 160 pages, 12" x 12" (30cm x 30cm) square format, soft cover.
Actualities in Black & Orange

Published in January, 2006, Actualities in Black & Orange is Menachem Kuchar's long overdue first book. It illustrates the people
in and behind the "Orange" Campaign in Israel during 2005.
The work represents an inquiry into contemporary Israeli life. Using his camera precisely and lucidly to record the anti-"Disengagement" movement, Menachem weaves a photographic narrative of what was happening in the background
to the events being played out on the national stage. Stunningly laid out and finely printed, the book presents
more than forty timely photographs from the Actualities
in Black & Orange collection, fifteen photographs from
the Bus Stop collection as well as colour photographs taken in Gush Katif.
Menachem's unique eye for both the monumental and the mundane reveals a vision of universal interest rooted in the everyday, yet always looking beyond.
He focuses on the subtleties of human interaction to make eloquent images.
Menachem has mastered his medium. His work shows a deep love and compassionate understanding of his country, its people,
their life, their problems and their needs.
Read reviews of the book.
The book is available in hardcover
cloth binding, with a dust jacket, as well as a limited edition
(180 copies), signed and numbered collectors' edition.
Birchonim (Benchers)
Menachem's Biography
One-Man Shows